English to Chinese Mandarin Pin Yin dictionary with over 20,000 entries. Vertebrate-palaeontology Dictionary. More than 60000 words.Comprehensive, easy to use and fast The Best English-Chinese-Pinyin dictionary. Perfect tool for your study of the English or Chinese language. Use as a travel tool for your visit to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore. Include Pinyin translation for the Chinese characters. Good for people who are not familiar with Chinese text. Now you dont need to worry about your holiday or business trips where you need to interact with Chinese. Impress them by speaking in Mandarin.
No Internet connection required. Works offline! Install the free offline dictionary for access to definitions whenever you need them.
Download now. Is FREE!
+ Listing from A to Z
+ Over 120,000 entries, More than 60000 words.
+ Fast as it works offline
+ Easy to use and functional user interface
+ Comprehensive
+ Good reference
+ Good for travel
+ Translate English to Chinese quickly
+ Learn Chinese & English language
+ Simplified Chinese Characters
+ Free English Chinese Pinyin dictionary, it’s quick, easy and very useful!
+ Works Offline
+ Includes English to Mandarin Travel Translator: Phrases in Simplified Chinese Characters & Pinyin
+ Food, Drinks, Restaurants Dining
+ Greetings Conversation Directions
+ Shopping
+ Money
+ Time expressions
+ Numbers
+ Problems & Going to the Doctor
+ Tickets
+ Transportation
+ Travel
+ Hotels Lodging
英语中文词典英语中文翻译英语中文拼音词典翻译.普通话拼音字典.使用方便,快捷的最佳英语 - 中文 拼音字典。完美的工具,为您的英语或中文语言研究。使用作为一种代步工具为您访问中文大陆,台湾,香港,新加坡。包括拼音翻译中文汉字。良好的人谁不熟悉的中文文字。现在,你不必担心,你需要与中文的交流您的假期或出差。在说普通话打动他们。
从A +清单到Z
+免费 英语中文拼音字典,它的快速,简单,非常实用!
All text, pictures, dictionary appearing on our app are sourced from the internet and believed to be in public domain.